The word slot is a late 14c. noun meaning “hollow” at the base of the throat above the breastbone. Its origin is obscure, but is likely derived from the Old French esclot. Its meaning as a game is attested from the 1520s. The word “slot” is also related to Old Norse slod. The modern definition of slot is from 1888, when the word “slot machine” was coined.
The basic principle behind a slot machine is the same as the game’s objective. In addition to accepting cash, a slot machine will also accept paper tickets with barcodes. When players activate the machine, a lever or button will spin the reels. Winning combinations earn credits based on the paytable. Symbols vary by theme, but classic symbols include fruits, bells, and stylized lucky sevens. Modern-day slot games typically have a theme and align their bonus features to that theme.
The word slot is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary, fifth edition. A slot is a narrow opening or position where the goaltender will stand or a player may stand. Its definition reflects the meaning of the term. Its etymological relationship to the verb sleutana is also notable. The word is also cognate with the German Schloss. The term is also used in sport. As a noun, the word’slot’ has multiple meanings and is used in a wide range of contexts.
An utterance can contain multiple slots or none at all. After analyzing the utterance, the bot will identify the slots and map them to entities. For instance, in a hotel reservation, the number of rooms required and the number of nights is mapped to built-in slots, but custom slots can be defined. Other types of slots, such as the location, are also mapped to entities. The user can add slots to an utterance by clicking the Uterance or Slots tab.