The right to deal a poker hand is shared among the players. The dealer is known as the buck or the dealer button. Usually, a white plastic disk serves as the dealer and determines the order in which cards are dealt. The players’ turn to act is to call or raise the amount of their bet. A player who bluffs is called an “overplay.”
Bets are made in rounds. The amount of each bet represents the total bet during a round. Players do not place their bets directly into the pot; they make them toward it. If the betting round ends, all bets are collected into the pot. Once all the bets have been placed, the winning player receives the entire amount of the pot. However, players must remember that their bets may be canceled if they have made a bet that does not improve their position in the game.
In a game of poker, a player is required to make forced bets called ante and blind bets. Each round, a dealer shuffles the cards and then deals them to each player one at a time. The cards may be dealt face up or face down, depending on the game’s variant. As the betting round continues, the player with the best poker combination becomes the first bettor and must bet at least the minimum amount.